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East Orange NJ Personal Injury Lawyers | Premises Liability Newark
East Orange NJ Personal Injury Lawyers | Premises Liability Newark
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We stand up for your rights after injury.



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Hit-And-Run Accidents

If you have been involved in or injured in a hit-and-run accident or involved in an accident with someone who is uninsured or carries dollar-a-day insurance, you need skilled representation to help you collect the benefits that you are entitled to. At the law firm of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP, we have the experience and understanding of insurance law to ensure that we find the pieces of coverage that can help you cover costly medical and repair bills.

Essex County Uninsured Motorist Attorney — Protecting You After An Accident Involving A Driver Fleeing The Scene Of A Crime

Hit-and-run accidents are far too common, and this area is home to many uninsured and underinsured motorists. Many individuals are injured, face significant repair bills and feel powerless to recover the damages they need.

Fortunately, most of the time a person’s automobile insurance provides coverage for those accidents where the other party involved does not have insurance or does not have enough insurance coverage to fully compensate you for your injuries.

We are known for our thorough inspection of these policies and our ability to find key details that others may miss. We may also be able to draw in other policies that you hold, such as a homeowners or umbrella policy, to provide supplemental benefits.

When the insurance company, however, resists paying what you are entitled to, you can be assured that we will aggressively fight to ensure that you are compensated. Our lawyers are unafraid to take on the insurance companies to help you recover the damages you need.

Contact A Newark Hit-And-Run Accident Attorney

To arrange a free initial consultation to discuss the accident and what can be done, please contact our New Jersey office today.

Se habla espanol/Spanish language services available.
