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East Orange NJ Personal Injury Lawyers | Premises Liability Newark
East Orange NJ Personal Injury Lawyers | Premises Liability Newark
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East Orange Bus Accident Lawyers

The highways and other roads in New Jersey are filled with buses. Whether it’s people on a municipal bus on their daily commute, kids being taken to school, or a shuttle or Greyhound bus taking people through the state, buses are everywhere. And with that comes a danger of a bus accident.

Passengers on buses deserve to have their rights protected when they have been hurt. At the Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP, law firm in East Orange, we take seriously our responsibility to you, our clients, to provide the best attorney services possible so that you can be compensated for your injuries.

Work With A Lawyer Who Will Fight For You

Motor vehicle accidents always have the potential to be serious and lead to injuries, but bus accidents are a special case. Because there are often many people on a bus at a given time, a serious accident such as a rollover can affect many people all at once. Bus passengers also put their safety in the hands of a bus driver who might be overly tired, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or prone to medical events that could hinder the bus from being operated safely.

Many buses also lack seat belts, so passengers might be thrown around inside the bus, or even through the windows, should a rollover or other type of accident take place.

Make sure you are properly represented in the event of a bus accident injury. Contact our firm online or call us at 973-609-5693 to schedule a no-risk, free initial consultation.
