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East Orange NJ Personal Injury Lawyers | Premises Liability Newark
East Orange NJ Personal Injury Lawyers | Premises Liability Newark
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We stand up for your rights after injury.



We stand up for your rights after injury.


Dog bite infections and deformation evidence of damages

On Behalf of | Apr 7, 2021 | Premises Liability |

A lot of people can’t resist petting a dog. Whether it’s a friend’s, family member’s, or even a complete stranger’s that is seen during a walk, these animals often seem kind and gentle. But their demeanor can turn in the blink of an eye. In a split second, a dog can turn on you and leave you the subject of a vicious attack. This can leave you with extensive damages.

The dangers of infection

Some of the biggest damages after a dog bite may come in the form of medical expenses. This is because dog bites are known to be extensive and quickly become infected. This is because the bacteria in a dog’s mouth can enter your body once its teeth puncture your skin. Infections are evidenced by swelling near the wound, pain that lasts longer than a day, and drainage at the puncture site. You might also experience fever and shaking. While you might be able to treat an infection with medication, these infections can quickly spread to other parts of the body, thereby causing further complications, such as nerve or bone damage, that require more extensive medical care.

The harm of deformation

Another significant loss for dog bite victims is deformation and scarring. Far too often, these victims are left with scars that will last the rest of their life, thereby reminding them of a tragic event in their life. This can cause further emotional harm, and victims might feel embarrassed by the way they look after a dog attack.

Fully address your dog bite damages

Of course, these are just some of the issues that you’ll need to address if you’ve been injured by a dog attack. But the good news is that you might be able to recover compensation for your losses by pursuing a pet owner negligence claim. If successful on your claim, then hopefully you can recover the compensation that you need to secure your financial stability and ease some of your pain and suffering.

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